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Check whether a string has any emoji
A simple Array.prototype.includes polyfill to phantomJS commnad line browser. Based in MDN specification
Object properties matcher for Chai, contained arrays must contain identical objects in order
The Javascript version of "in_array" php function from the php.js project -
Does AST contain only empty space?
An array is a collection of values, stored contiguously {web}.
Array-like methods for objects
Determines whether an array includes a certain element.
Check if contains array in arrays
Tests and a polyfill for the ES proposal for Array.prototype.includes
Use Sass-like markup and staged CSS features in CSS
- postcss
- css
- postcss-plugin
- sass
- scss
- variables
- conditionals
- iterations
- iterators
- iterables
- iterate
- contents
- eaches
- elses
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Check if an array includes all the elements of another array
Expose mongoose query API through HTTP request
MDN polyfills
Checks if array has a value.
Return positive value if (any of the) passed value(s) exists in array, or optionally an index
- arr
- arr-includes
- arr-utils
- array
- array-utils
- array-values
- checks
- developer-experience
- development
- dx
- exists
- hela
- in-array
- includes
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- every
- browser
- compile less
- patch
- regular expressions
- setter
- String.prototype.trim
- defineProperty
- compare
- __proto__
- typed array
- RegExp.prototype.flags
- validation
- typed
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Checks if array has a value.
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- Map
- progress
- variables
- Stream
- simpledb
- sharedarraybuffer
- dayjs
- ES2022
- 0
- chai
- react-testing-library
- obj
- child
- mkdirp
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A tool to determine whether an object or an array contains an element