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242 packages found
ncc Plugin for Gulp
A web developer workflow based on Gulp. It has built-in features such as merging, compiling, packaging, and compressing that greatly simplify the front-end development process.
A Gulp 5 plugin for compiling Twig templates (
Gulp plugin to minify files with terser,forked from
This is a [PostCSS] plugin which works to hashing (randomizing) class-name with [UUID]. And also applying to HTML class-attribute, Javascript string replacing. This plugin is very inspired a [postcss-obfuscator], and thank you so much.
Stylus plugin for gulp
Bump npm versions with Gulp (
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Wrap old plugins to support streams.
gulp-fn - gulp plugin used in order to run custom callback functions per file
Convert YAML to JSON
Gulp plugin to preprocess HTML, JavaScript, and other files based on custom context or environment configuration
- gulpplugin
- gulp-plugin
- preprocessor
- html
- javascript
- coffeescript
- debug
- environment
- conditional
- include
- exclude
- ifdef
- ifndef
Gulp plugin to embed/inline svg images and optionally create a spritesheet.
Twig.js plugin for gulp.js (
Modify data on a JSON path using Gulp (
A gulp plugin for wrapping files with custom strings. Access to filename is given through interpolation.
Remove sections of code from files based on conditions
A Gulp plugin to convert Java .properties to JSON
Gulp/vinyl-fs plugin, filter files that have been modified since given Date or Number.
Simple gulp plugin for the maven-deploy module