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A tiny React hook to create better Japanese form
A package of Essential JS 2 input components such as Textbox, Color-picker, Masked-textbox, Numeric-textbox, Slider, Upload, and Form-validator that is used to get input from the users.
- ej2
- syncfusion
- web-components
- ej2-inputs
- input box
- textbox
- html5 textbox
- floating input
- floating label
- form controls
- input controls
- color
- color picker
- colorpicker
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React High Order Form Component
Mantine form management library
React hook for Google Maps Places Autocomplete.
- react
- hook
- react-hook
- places-autocomplete-hook
- use
- use-places-autocomplete
- places
- places-autocomplete
- places-autocomplete-service
- autocomplete
- autocomplete-service
- google-places
- google-places-api
- google-places-autocomplete
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Embed library for [React](
The modular and type-safe form library for Qwik
- modular-forms
- form
- forms
- qwik
- qwik-city
- performance
- bundle-size
- form-validation
- validation
- typescript
- type-safe
> Convenient JavaScript function that serializes Objects to FormData instances.
Form Validation for Vue.js
A standalone module that suggests a right domain when your users misspell it in an email address.
A form is a group of inputs that allows users submit data to a server and supports field validation errors.
The jQuery plugin that brings select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection, searching, and much more. Now with Bootstrap 4 support.
Route middleware for Koa that handles `multipart/form-data` using multer
Conform view adapter for react
vee-validate integration with zod schema validation
Conform helpers for integrating with Zod
jQuery or Zepto plugin to serialize a form into a JavaScript Object, using the same format as the default Ruby on Rails request params
A set of opinionated helpers built on top of the Constraint Validation API
Tom Select is a versatile and dynamic <select> UI control. Forked from Selectize.js to provide a framework agnostic autocomplete widget with native-feeling keyboard navigation, it's useful for tagging, contact lists, country selectors, etc.
Decodes complex FormData into a JavaScript object