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174 packages found
Production process manager for Node.JS applications with a built-in load balancer.
A better WebSocket that Just Works™
Production process manager for Node.JS applications with a built-in load balancer.
Cross-platform method to receive the list of the launched processes
Cross-platform method to receive the list of the launched processes
Cross-platform method to receive the list of the launched processes
Production process manager for Node.JS applications with a built-in load balancer.
Reconnecting WebSocket
Reconnecting WebSocket
PM2/Keymetrics advanced API
- cli
- fault tolerant
- sysadmin
- tools
- pm2
- logs
- log
- json
- express
- hapi
- kraken
- reload
- microservice
- programmatic
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Reconnecting WebSocket
A resilient websocket client for Node.js and the browser. Provides automatic reconnection, message retries, ping/pong & message queueing.
Cross-platform method to receive the list of the launched processes
Cross-platform method to receive the list of the launched processes
Reconnecting WebSocket
Cross-platform method to receive the list of the launched processes
Suite of tools to manage media installations
- bluecadet
- cli
- configuration-management
- daemon
- deploy
- deployment
- dev ops
- devops
- download-manager
- exhibits
- forever-monitor
- forever
- graceful
- installations
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Basic CLI to buid, run and format TypeScript code.
A modern TypeScript utility library.
- stdlib
- type-level
- functional
- functional-programming
- immutable
- lazy-evaluation
- collection
- map
- filter
- take
- drop
- takeLast
- dropLast
- shuffle
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process manager developed using fibjs
- daemon
- cli
- sysadmin
- tools
- logs
- log
- json
- reload
- microservice
- programmatic
- deploy
- deployment
- monitoring
- process manager
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