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A simple CLI TODO/FIXME parser for the lazy coder
Parse TODOs, FIXMEs & more, then query them via GraphQL
Taskmanagement, your way!
> Git plugin to list todo, fixme, testme and docme comments with verbose details
Find TODOs, FIXMEs, and NOTEs in your project. Sort by assignee or file.
Check your source code for todos and the Jira issues referenced by them.
Developer task manager. No more TODO or FIXME comments. A simple wrapper function to create tasks.
Check statuses of TODOs referencing Jira tasks.
Print TODOS in your project from the command line
A CLI tool to scan for TODO and FIXME comments in your project files.
Automagically turn code annotations to github issues
Generate a file from comments of files in stream
A danger-js plugin to list all todos/fixmes/etc added/changed in a PR
Keep your TODOs and FIXMEs healthy
Keep your TODOs and FIXMEs healthy
techdbt is a simple tool to scan your codebase for TODO, FIXME, and REFACTOR comments.
Middleware for Template, for matching todos in a string.
Static analysis tool that finds FIXME, TODO, BUG, etc. comments in your code.
Scan project for TODOs, FIXMEs, HACKs or whatever