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A small collection of sync & async filesystem functions in Node.js.
Semantic Release plugin to help with updating files during release.
An implementation of the Virustotal API for Node.js
Simple functions for generating filenames
Like `fs.promise.readdir()`, but sorts the result based on `String#localeCompare()`
Collection of cross-platform routines to operate URI(s) in the reliable and consistent way. UriFundamentals leverages parsing, joining, extracting, normalizing, nativizing, resolving URI(s). Use the module to get uniform experience from playing with URI(s
Node.js utility; stupidly-simple recursive / non-recursive project file fetcher.
Collection of basic classes to abstract files systems and partly good defined API for general algorithms on files.
React Native convert mov files to mp4
Fine-grained cross-platform file system monitoring for Node.js
Abstraction Layer for File Management.
Cache package for AdonisJS V5
Filendir allows you to write a file and create the directories found in its path if needed.
Upload files as base64 data-uris
Get the line number for each regex match found in a string.
Easily convert and download base64 strings of any type in React.
- base64 downloader react
- base64 downloader
- pdf downloader react
- common-base64-downloader-react
- react-base64-downloader
- react-download
- xlsx
- react
- base64
- download
- convert
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- file
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Angular 19 file upload core package for async file uploads in angular containing validation, upload queue and async uploading.
Synchronize files and folders locally by glob patterns, watch option included.
A module for modifiying JSON files