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789 packages found
A CLI to generate PlantUML compatible UML diagrams from Ember components
Ember Components for Elastic UI
Command line tool for developing ambitious ember.js apps
An implementation of
A CLI tool to scan your Ember project for addons that have a V2 version available.
Plugin for integrating Ember.js components in Piral.
Ember CLI tool to batch run generate blueprints
Simple Javascript IntersectionObserver implementation for Ember applications.
Atom inspired notification messages for ember-cli
Linting plugin containing Square's custom lint rules and configuration for JavaScript and related technologies.
App/Addon Generator for the FW App System
print your favorite framework's logo and details into the cli
Library to slugify your strings within Ember.
Simple inline editing component for ember.js apps with keyboard support.
Simple and lightweight official Ember component for FroalaCharts.
- Ember
- ember-froalacharts-component
- ember-froalacharts
- froalacharts
- javascript-charts
- interactive-charts
- charts
- graphs
- visualization
- data-visualization
- dataviz
- ember-charts
A codemod engine for Node.js libraries (jscodeshift, ts-morph, etc.)
- codemod
- jscodeshift
- ts-morph
- refactor
- transform
- cli
- dependencies
- migrate
- eslint
- prettier
- progress
- next.js
- ember
Utils for use with the Signals Proposal:
An add-on for using the Internet Computer in your EmberJS app.
Error handling and logging addon for Ember.js.
Easy and declarative mapping for ember.