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Embed data in other data and easily extract it when needed
Component for writing plaintext CSS in React apps -- isomorphic, scoped, FOUC-free, fully featured, CSS-in-JS
- react-style
- style-it
- react
- scope
- scoped
- inline
- embed
- embedded
- style-element
- style
- styles
- styling
- css
- classes
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Lyra embedded form glue
MarsDB is a lightweight client-side MongoDB-like database, Promise based, written in ES6
Frontend SDK for embedding Preset data analytics into your own application
VueJS wrapper for powerbi-client library
Angular library which contains components to embed PowerBi visuals.
A very simple and fast http server for node, bash, and spawnable from C, Python etc. It is lightweight and great for embedded solutions as well as everyday development or public facing apps.
TypeScript library for embedding Power BI assets (reports/dashboards/tiles) in your application. This TypeScript library is built on top of the official powerbi-client library provided by Microsoft.
Frontend SDK for embedding Preset data analytics into your own application
File-based embedded data store for node.js
A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph data synchronization engine.
- gun
- gunDB
- graph
- document
- key
- value
- relational
- datastore
- database
- engine
- realtime
- decentralized
- peer-to-peer
- distributed
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File-based embedded data store for node.js
A package to run an embedded Postgresql database right from NodeJS
Tiny local JSON database for Node, Electron and the browser
Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for desktop and embedded applications.
CommonJS version of lowdb 3.0.0. See
Gatsby remark gists preprocessor
Embedded Node.js database upward compatible with MongoDB
Instantly add clap/like/vote buttons to your website
- embedded
- like button
- clap button
- like
- like/dislike
- like/dislike button
- applause
- applause button
- comment
- feedback
- tool
- html
- javascript
- widget