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balance sheet based simulation of monetary economy
Discord Bot Economy - Compitable With Discord.js
Khlav is a robust and customizable economy and gambling system for your Node.js applications.
Economic formulas
ProBot Tax
A powerful module that allows you to create economy system in your bot with ease.
XOPBOT Is A Multipurpose Bot With Over 200+ Commands That Make You Love The Bot!
Stable version.
A discord economy package that use mongo database for beginner
A basic package that helps to perform easy economy commands especially to create bots.
easyconomy is a npm package for discord bots economy
Framework para usar más fácilmente mongoose en un sistema de economía.
The hassle-free way to integrate behavioural and game-economy insights into any virtual world application.
- sdk
- gaming
- games
- analytcis
- insights
- metaverse
- economy
- eventing
- inference
- ai
- artificial intelligence
- metanomic-collector
- metanomic-sdk
- metanomic
A fork of the discord-mongo-currency adding more functionality to the user's bank
Source code of [coins manager](
Daily check-in to get points
Make a Discord Economy System Easily and Quickly! From MrDiscord1
- mrdiscord
- mr
- discord1
- mrdiscord1
- economy
- ez-economy
- easy-eco
- ez-eco
- discord economy
- discord eco
- discord
- eco
- willtda
- will
Ce module vous permet de cree votre propre bot discord musique facilement !
- music
- discord
- discord-music
- discord-backup
- discord-multifonction
- fr
- bot
- music-bot
- discord-bot-tools
- discord-facilbot
- facile
- onHamzayt
- economy
- money
The easiest and desktop way to track your expenses. Free. Open-source.
- desktop
- linux
- windows
- osx
- os x
- dimeshift
- finance
- financial
- electron
- electron app
- electron apps
- desktop apps
- desktop app
- desktop applications
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Authenticate users so they can use the DataUnion SDK