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Zoom module for lightgallery.
Light React Drag & Drop files and images library styled by styled-components
Multi Backend system compatible with React DnD
Drag & Drop for Angular - based on HTML5 with no external dependencies.
make that shiz draggable
Allow users to crop images within an area (fully responsive). Supports dragging (touch support), zoom and rotation.
Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
Drag and Drop library
Drag and drop lists.
Lets your users drag and drop files on a DOM element
A cross browser solution to scrolling during drag and drop.
Add support scrolling of page during drag and drop (DnD) when not supported by the browser.
Thumbnail module for lightgallery.
A handy FilePond adapter component for Angular
Zoom module for lightgallery.
HTML Drag and Drop Simulator for E2E testing
Angular directives using the native HTML Drag And Drop API
JQuery plugin for dragging and dropping rows in a table
A React component that decorates its children with touch and mouse cursor coordinates, plotted relative to itself.