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Node.js engine using the ultra fast doT templating with support for layouts, partials and friendly for front-end web libraries (Angular, Ember, Backbone...)
Gulp plugin for precompilation of doT templates.
rollup plugin to compile doT files
doT.js module loader for webpack
dot-emc is a doT stub for Express 3.x with support for caching and partials.
doT stub for Express 3.x with caching and layout support
Gulp plugins for precompilation of doT template engine.
dot for koa2 with layout and include function.
Node.js engine using the ultra fast doT templating with support for layouts, partials and friendly for front-end web libraries (Angular, Ember, Backbone...)
A doT based view class with caching, partials, layout and view helpers
Precompile template to cmd module
High performance Javascript template engine inspired by Jade's power and doT's speed.
Unifying APIs of various of template engines.
The fastest + concise javascript template engine for Node.js and browsers.
Map many files to Buffer file
Watch and precompile doT.js templates file to Requirejs module
Gulp plugin for precompilation of doT templates with seajs
An addon view engine for mojito based on doT templates
dot-include is a doT stub for Express 3.x with support for caching and partials.
doT stub for Express 3.x with caching and layout support