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A tool to interact with the radix network
Radix dApp Toolkit repository
This package contains a wrapper for managing multiple cryptographic algorithms for Activeledger
This package is used to manage the logs generated by Activeledger.
NodeJS package for use when integrating with Activeledger
Beruwala entities for Smart Contract Proxy-Helpers, ReactJS with TypeScript and NodeJS backend
This package contains definition files used within Activeledger.
NodeJS package for use when integrating with Activeledger with BIP39 Support
- activeledger
- nodejs
- sdk
- blockchain
- dlt
- distributed ledger technology
- ledger
- smart contracts
- network
- node
- bip39
Catalyst Protocol Js SDK
ibgib RCLI (Robbotic/Request/Command Line Interface) front end :under_construction:
Blockchain and DLT utils: connect wallet, check chain id, work with contrats and strings.
API For MSG91 SMS Gateway. - It is not an official version - 5 of MSG91
- msg91
- msg91 api
- msg91 sms
- msg91 otp
- msg91 balance
- msg91 latest
- dlt template
- msg91 flow
- msg91 dlt
- msg91 v5
- template
- flow
- dlt
- v5
This package contains the basic API application to access the data stored on Activeledger.
DogeGoGo entities for Smart Contract Proxy-Helpers, ReactJS with TypeScript and NodeJS backend
This package contains the base classes that smart contracts must inherit from for use with Activeledger
A npm module for using adlt binary in a Node project. Used e.g. by VS Code extension dlt-logs.
Underlying protocol which handles consensus and the smart contract virtual machine of Activeledger
This package contains the main application for running the Activeledger blockchain
Rent Onchain Smart Contract Proxy-Helpers for ReactJS with TypeScript
A CLI (command line interface) to execute FBA (fishbone analysis) files with DLT-logs/adlt.