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960 packages found
ngx-datatable is an Angular table grid component for presenting large and complex data.
Add spreadsheet-like behavior to your React app.
Add spreadsheet-like behavior to your React app.
> Cat UI é um Design System para projetos Angular, onde seu maior objetivo é abstrair ao máximo a criação de sistemas, permitindo mais produtividade.
- design system
- angular
- componentes
- alert
- button
- chip
- common
- confirm
- datatable
- dialog
- dropdown
- componente dinâmico
- painel expansivo
- formulário dinâmico
- View more
A free, flexible and high-quality Web Component for showing large amounts of tabular data
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white framework web
A react data table implementation using @mui.
ngx-datatable is an Angular table grid component for presenting large and complex data.
React DataTable component based on Rtdui components
ngx-datatable is an Angular table grid component for presenting large and complex data.
Swiss Post styles for PrimeNg datatable.
Datatable basé sur material ui
Tablejs ========
- tablejs
- datagrid
- data-grid
- datatable
- data-table
- table-component
- grid-component
- angular-ui
- angular-material
- angular-directives
- angular-services
- grid
- data
- table
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A React Native datatable component for dynamically perform actions like display, sorting, select, custom design, delete & touch events.
- react-native-datatable
- react native datatable
- native datatable
- datatable
- table
- react-native-table
- react native table
A simplified, declarative table-library using @angular/material's MatTable with form capabilities for adding/editing/deleting data
- simplemattable
- SimpleMatTable
- material design
- angular material design
- table
- datatable
- simple
- typesafe
- angular
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular 8
- angular 9
- angular 10
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ngx-datatable is an Angular table grid component for presenting large and complex data.
Tablejs ========
- tablejs
- datagrid
- data-grid
- datatable
- data-table
- grid
- data
- table
- angular
- angular-components
- screen-reader
- infinite-scrolling
- web-components
Web Components & Custom Elements Community Version
- custom
- element
- bootstrap
- chart
- treegrid
- gantt
- gantt chart
- query builder
- colorpicker
- colorpanel
- chart web component
- chart custom element
- tables
- table
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Accelerate your development with a flexible UI datagrid that works everywhere.