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glsl function for making cosine palettes
Compute the inverse versed cosine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- avercos
- avercosin
- avercosine
- arcvercos
- arcvercosin
- versed cosine
- avercosinus
- avcs
- arc
- versed
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Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a double-precision floating-point number.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- math.cosh
- cosine
- cos
- hyperbolic
- trig
- trigonometry
- radians
- angle
- polyfill
- ponyfill
Compute the half-value versed cosine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- havercos
- havercosin
- havercosine
- versed cosine
- haversed cosine
- haversed
- hac
- hvc
- cosine
- cos
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Compute the half-value versed sine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- haversin
- haversine
- versed sine
- haversed sine
- haversed
- hv
- hvs
- sem
- havers
- semiversinus
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Compute the half-value coversed cosine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- hacovercos
- hacovercosin
- hacovercosine
- versed cosine
- half-value
- coversed
- cosinus versus
- hacovercosinus
- hcc
- versed
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Compute the coversed cosine.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- covercos
- covercosin
- covercosine
- versed cosine
- coversed
- cosinus versus
- covercosinus
- cvc
- versed
- cosine
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Compute the versed cosine.
A library for trigonometric operations
Create an iterator which generates a sine wave.
- stdlib
- simulate
- simulation
- sine
- sin
- cos
- cosine
- sinusoid
- wave
- signal
- processing
- waveform
- periodic
- iterator
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tencent cos upload tool on nodejs
Compute the versed sine.
Compute the cosine of a number minus one.
Deploy Hexo to Aliyun OSS, Tencent COS, etc. and purge the CDN cache. | Hexo部署插件,支持将静态博客发布到腾讯、阿里等云对象存储中,并同步刷新被更新文件的CDN缓存。
Compute the inverse half-value versed cosine of each element retrieved from an input strided array via a callback function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- ahavercos
- ahavercosin
- ahavercosine
- arcvercos
- arcvercosin
- arcvercosine
- versedcosine
- ahavercosinus
- ahvc
- arc
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Compute the hyperbolic arccosine of a number.
- stdlib
- stdfastmath
- mathematics
- math
- fastmath
- fast
- math.acosh
- acosh
- hyperbolic
- inverse
- cosine
- cos
- arc
- arccosine
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Calculator for doing different operations
Create an iterator which computes the inverse half-value versed cosine of each iterated value.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- ahavercos
- ahavercosin
- ahavercosine
- arcvercos
- arcvercosin
- arcvercosine
- versed cosine
- ahavercosinus
- ahvc
- arc
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Tencent Cloud Object Storage (COS) plugin of Hexo
Create an iterator which computes the coversed cosine for each iterated value.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- covercos
- covercosin
- covercosine
- versed cosine
- coversed
- cosinus versus
- covercosinus
- cvc
- versed
- cosine
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