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dipole - tiny reactive state management that just works
- observable
- observables
- computed
- reactive
- state management
- functional reactive programming
- frp
- tfrp
- mobx
- typescript
Vuex extension that allows making window size as computed property.
Lightweight mobx-like observable values, computed values and side-effects
Ember style computed properties for Backbone.js Models
ES6 Proxy observable implementation
- proxy
- es6
- bind
- array
- object
- track
- property change
- observable
- array observable
- object observable
- dynamic object
- reflection
- computed
- binding
Svue is a small (~2kb) library bringing Vue-style reactive stores with data and computed properties into Svelte.
View layer for @dependable/state
Composable reactive helpers built around watching computation changes.
Selector functions based on Observable and Computed values.
A facade for using computed property to set primitive route param values.
Deep get/set, bindings and computed model attributes for Backbone.
Reselect and re-reselect alternative. Smaller, faster, greater flexibility, and better interface.
- reselect
- re-reselect
- memoize
- memoization
- cache
- key
- conditional
- store
- redux
- selector
- selectors
- computed
- compute
- computation
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⚡️ 1.8KB full-featured state management inspired by MobX and Solid, batteries included ⚡️
- state
- state management
- reactive
- observable
- computed
- autorun
- frp
- functional reactive programming
- zustand
- jotai
- react
- mobx
- solid
- solid.js
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Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running each element of collection thru iteratee.
minapp-rct 是一款小程序的功能扩展插件
☘️ Full-featured 1KB reactive state management ☘️
Observables and computeds for reactive state management
Provides an observable interface for a computed promise.
ob.js comes from vue.js and is used to observe/watch Object/Array/Class