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38 packages found
Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.
Android Versions ================
- pipe
- syntaxerror
- function
- lazy
- parents
- toStringTag
- dynamodb
- assertion
- glacier
- starter
- side
- buffer
- state
- packages
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Compare semver version strings in BrightScript
Check version ranges like `>=N` and `X || Y || Z` with support for Node.js, Web Browsers, Deno, and TypeScript.
- browser
- compare
- conditional
- deno
- deno-edition
- deno-entry
- denoland
- es2022
- es5
- export-default
- gte
- module
- node
- node.js
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A plugin for comparing local and deployed AWS serverless stack versions.
Comparator to determine if a version is less than, equivalent to, or greater than another version
A simple version comparison tool.
Turn a dirty version (such as v1, =1.0.x, >1.0 <2) into a clean version (1.0)
[![Version](]( [![Downloads](
[![Version](]( [![Downloads](
- data
- ascii
- crypto
- WebSockets
- ES2017
- cli
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- sham
- bdd
- es2017
- Array
- debug
- jsonschema
- sharedarraybuffer
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> **A command line tool to easily install prebuilt binaries for multiple versions of Node.js & Electron on a specific platform.** > By default it downloads prebuilt binaries from a GitHub release.
- deep-copy
- jsonschema
- metadata
- pnpm9
- assertion
- mimetypes
- language
- emoji
- ES2019
- time
- serialization
- equal
- search
- tape
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> **Warning** > > This library is **no longer actively maintained**. It will continue to receive critical security updates, but there are no new features planned. > In future versions of React, the [`findDOMNode`](
Comparator to determine if a version is less than, equivalent to, or greater than another version
![Tests]( [![Coverage Status](](
- fps
- setter
- unicode
- querystring
- structuredClone
- streams
- rfc9562
- toSorted
- transpile
- exit
- ES6
- query
- apollo
- define
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Generate/register a custom element from a preact component. As of 3.0.0, this library implements the Custom Elements v1 spec. Previous versions (< 3.0.0) implemented the v0 proposal, which was only implemented in Chrome and is abandoned.
- testing
- recursive
- dependency manager
- qs
- equal
- irq
- ArrayBuffer#slice
- omit
- chinese
- safe
- slice
- https
- encryption
- 256
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<div align=center> <h2 style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: center;"><img src ="" width="80px" alt="Node-RED Logo"></img></picture> STATUS - Flows <
- linux
- flatten
- Int8Array
- shared
- commander
- ReactiveExtensions
- testing
- view
- trimLeft
- picomatch
- ES2022
- regex
- descriptor
- dayjs
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Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.
Compare dependencies in package.json to the latest available versions.
- dependency
- dependencies
- devDependencies
- version
- versions
- pkg
- package
- packages
- package.json
- npm
- check
- compare
- analyze
- analyse
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Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.
Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.