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101 packages found
Resemble Js helper for CodeceptJS, with Support for Playwright, Webdriver, TestCafe, Puppeteer & Appium
CodeceptJS helper for chai library
use querySelector syntax to search for nodes inside of (nested) shadow roots
- webcomponents
- automation
- queryselector
- ponyfill
- shadowdom
- web-components
- testing
- webdriver
- protractor
- selenium
- webdriverio
- codeceptjs
CodeceptJS demo project with REST helper
Import test results to Xray
Logging for CodeceptJS failed tests
Base class for HermionaJS helpers
Lighthouse Audit Helper for codeceptjs
codeceptjs-xray-helper is a [CodeceptJS]( helper which can publish tests results on [XRAY api]( after tests execution.
Generate CodeceptJS snippets
Allure plugin for CodeceptJS
CodeceptJS plugin to generate a cucumberjs json output
CodeceptJS plugin for Qaseio
CodeceptJS Tesults Plugin
Let your CodeceptJS tests run commands in the console/terminal
Soap Helper for Codeceptjs
Database helper for CodeceptJS that uses database-js
HermionaJS helper for chai library
CodeceptJS Saucelabs Integration
CodeceptJs Cucumber E2E Framework