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517 packages found
Lint files staged by git
JavaScript Standard Style
- JavaScript Standard Style
- check
- checker
- code
- code checker
- code linter
- code standards
- code style
- enforce
- eslint
- hint
- jscs
- jshint
- lint
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A TypeScript ESLint config that loves you
- check
- checker
- code
- code checker
- code linter
- code standards
- code style
- enforce
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- hint
- jscs
- jshint
- lint
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JavaScript Standard Style - ESLint Shareable Config
- JavaScript Standard Style
- check
- checker
- code
- code checker
- code linter
- code standards
- code style
- enforce
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- hint
- jscs
- jshint
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ESLint bundled with drupal core config
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- config
- airbnb
- prettier
- drupal
- javascript
- styleguide
- standard
- standard style
- style
- style checker
- style linter
- check
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JavaScript/TypeScript linter (ESLint wrapper) with great defaults
ESLint shareable config for TypeScript projects
ESLint shareable config for JavaScript projects
ESLint shareable config for TypeScript to be used with eslint-config-xo
<div align="center"> <img src="logo.svg" height="160" width="160" alt="Analyzer logo"> </div>
- projectwallace
- wallace
- css
- stylesheet
- stats
- statistics
- analytics
- performance
- styleguide
- metrics
- designsystem
- fonts
- colors
- quality
A Prettier formatter for the GitLab Code Quality report
Stylelint shareable config for the HTML Academy style
- HTMLAcademy
- HTML Academy
- code
- quality
- style
- lint
- linter
- stylelint
- validate
- code style
- strict
- check
- checker
- verify
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ESLint shareable config for Next.js to be used with eslint-config-xo
An ESLint Shareable Config for video.js Standard Style.
- videojs
- standard
- style checker
- code style
- code checker
- code linter
- style linter
- simple
- policy
- style
- code
- lint
- eslint
- eslintconfig
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ESLint shareable config for the Scout style
Scan your project to find quality issues
- quality
- code
- scanner
- security
- audit
- vulnerabilities
- dependencies
- updates
- duplication
- linter
- linting
- test
- script
- exact
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A utility to set up Git hooks and configuration files for enforcing branch name validation and commit message linting in a project using popular packages like Husky, Validate Branch Name, and Commitlint. It installs necessary dependencies, creates configu
ESLint shareable config for XO
🔨 ESLint (for v4.3.0) configuration of my style. Defined all rules.
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- hint
- jshint
- jhlint
- lint
- javascript
- code
- quality
- checker
- style
- guide
- settings
- default
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ESLint shareable config for React projects