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Remove any existing casing from a string.
- camel
- camelcase
- case
- pascal
- pascalcase
- sentence
- sentencecase
- slug
- slugcase
- snake
- snakecase
- string
- title
- titlecase
Convert an object's keys to snake case
Convert a string to space case.
A library of useful functions used across various cspell tools.
Work with objects of different cased keys
Underscore-to-camelCase converter (and vice versa) for strings and object keys in JavaScript.
Convert a string to camel case.
Convert a string to lowercase.
Convert a camelized/dasherized/underscored string into a humanized one: `fooBar-Baz_Faz` → `Foo bar baz faz`
Take a string and a number and perform binary case switching on alpha characters.
Convert a string to snake case.
Convert a string to pascal case.
Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to UpperCamelCase
The ultimate JavaScript string library
Convert a string to lowercase.
remark-lint rule to warn when file names use mixed case
remark-lint rule to warn when definition labels are not lowercase
Axios transformer/interceptor that converts snake_case/camelCase
Convert a string into camel case style by providing the separators.
Given an input string, convert to kebab-case and append a hash. Avoids kebab case collisions.