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173 packages found
An Ionic starter project with Babel and Brunch
Inject compiled javascript and css files into your index.html
Adds workbox support to brunch.
CSSO support for brunch.
ng-annotate plugin for brunch
Adds multiple assets folders support to brunch.
Adds support to Brunch for pre-compiling single file Vue components.Based on vue-brunch plugin.
Rename assets based on SHA1 hash for cache busting
Fork @nerevu/cachebust-brunch. Rename assets based on SHA1 hash for cache busting with exclude files array and rename hashed files yet.
Adds zopfli support to Brunch.
Wraps a require statement to make it a noop.
Brunch plugin to turn latest ECMAScript standard code into vanilla ES5 with no runtime required.
Adds TypeScript support to Brunch with fixes for lib usage.
Scaffolds a standard Symfony2 application with Yeoman. A generator-joli-symfony fork/clone without grunt and gulp, only brunch. Add post-css & browserSync, Foundation-sites & KNACSS frameworks.
Add the ability to import one or more complex YAML files (with js functions, dates, regexp, ...) as objects in a defined namespace for use in javascript
Brunch plugin to read your CSS files as strings in JS.
Adds React.js for jade templates support to brunch.
__How to install:__ - `yarn install brunch-feature-switcher` - `npm i brunch-feature-switcher`
- brunch
- plugin
- feature
- switcher
- feature switcher
- code replacer
- conditional
- conditional code replacer
- replace
- replacer
- esprima
- remove
- case
A brunch plugin to transform images
Adds glob support to Brunch.