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783 packages found
Lint browser compatibility of API used
The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support
Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environment
- user-agent
- parser
- browser
- engine
- os
- device
- cpu
- jquery-plugin
- ecosystem:jquery
- ua-parser-js
- client-hints
- user-agent-detection
- device-detection
- platform-detection
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Disallow features that are unsupported by the browsers that you are targeting
Isomorphic client library for supporting long-running operations in node.js and browser.
Provides access to the system's web browser and supports handling redirects. On iOS, it uses SFSafariViewController or SFAuthenticationSession, depending on the method you call, and on Android it uses ChromeCustomTabs. As of iOS 11, SFSafariViewController
A support package for web developer.
ESLint plugin for checking JavaScript code compatibility with target browsers and Node.js versions
- browser
- compatibility
- compat
- support
- javascript
- ecmascript
- es
- lint
- eslint
- eslintplugin
- browserslist
- browser-compat-data
- caniuse
- kangax
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support for asynchronous development with a Promise based task Scheduler, several different Promise implementations (synchronous, idle, asynchronous and native runtime wrappers), await helpers, and aliases all built and tested using TypeScript.
- typescript
- javascript
- es5
- promise
- es6.promise
- async
- asynchronous
- async promise
- asynchronous promise
- sync
- synchronous
- sync promise
- synchronous promise
- idle
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Adler-32 hashing algorithm with support for running and rolling checksums.
A [React]( typeahead that relies on [Bootstrap]( for styling and was originally inspired by Twitter's [typeahead.js]( It supports both single- and multi-selectio
- proxy
- rfc4122
- https
- uninstall
- concatMap
- typed array
- storagegateway
- es6
- time
- stable
- workspace:*
- command-line
- ES2018
- queueMicrotask
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eCash cashaddr address format support for Node.js and web browsers.
The original project only supports up to Electron^22.0.0, but my project is built on Electron^26.0.0. Therefore, I have attempted to upgrade the Electron version used within the menubar project.
- getPrototypeOf
- deep
- WebSocket
- Int8Array
- matches
- serializer
- WeakMap
- mkdirs
- jsx
- ECMAScript 3
- quote
- testing
- take
- es2018
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Parse requests in the Browser and Node (with added support for multer and passport). Made for Cabin.
- array
- array-buffer
- arraybuffer
- auth
- authentication
- browser
- buffer
- connect
- consistent
- express
- headers
- koa
- lad
- lass
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CLI tool for checking JavaScript code compatibility with target browsers and Node.js versions
- browser
- compatibility
- compat
- support
- javascript
- ecmascript
- es
- checker
- browserslist
- browser-compat-data
- caniuse
- kangax
resolve which handles browser field support in package.json
Language intelligence powering phoenix code, to be run in the browser/web worker env.
A small but effective node based server for development sites, customizable live reloading, and websocket support built-in. You should consider using NSS if:
- json-schema-validator
- Array.prototype.filter
- indicator
- configurable
- lazy
- String.prototype.trim
- Map
- gradients css
- class-validator
- read
- var
- sanitization
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- output
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The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores @erboladaiorg/cupiditate-pariatur-optio source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.
The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.
- agent
- logger
- ES2021
- call
- findup
- concatMap
- RxJS
- internal slot
- map
- typanion
- match
- fast-copy
- computed-types
- own
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