Search results
386 packages found
Zustand middleware to easily persist and sync Zustand state between tabs and windows
- web
- api
- broadcast
- channel
- sync-tabs
- sync-windows
- sync
- broadcast-channel
- persist
- localStorage
- hooks
- react
- react 18
- zustand
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A robust and scalable real-time infrastructure service with comprehensive WebSocket support, designed to facilitate live updates, event-driven communication, and seamless data streaming. Ideal for building real-time applications such as chat, multiplayer
- realtime
- real-time
- websockets
- nodejs realtime
- ws
- pubsub
- publish-subscribe
- messaging
- event-driven
- live-updates
- realtime-infrastructure
- socket
- push-notifications
- notifications
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Library for managing inter-tab communication
Javascript library for the Twitch Messaging Interface.
Sofie TV Automation Vizrt Media Sequencer Engine connection library
Event publish - subscribe mechanism as Angular service using Observable. You can publish your event along with any data to all the subscribers of your event. This library also supports historical published values for the subscribers.
- ng
- angular
- angular16
- event
- publish
- subscribe
- pub-sub
- broadcast
- communication
- component communication
- message bus
Event publish - subscribe mechanism as JavaScript library using Observable. You can publish your event along with any data to all the subscribers of your event. This library also supports historical published values for the subscribers.
- event
- publish
- subscribe
- pub-sub
- javascript
- rxjs
- typescript
- communication
- message bus
- pub-sub-js
- broadcast
- client communication
Enables the addition of metadata in PeerTube
React implementation of Broadcaster package. Extension of a Broadcast Channel API. Allows to send messages to multiple windows (tabs, workers, iframes,...) and detect opened windows.
- message
- broadcast
- channel
- BroadcastChannel
- share
- metadata
- tabs
- windows
- browser
- workers
- connect
- connection
- cross
- communicate
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Helper functions for the MOS-connection library
Cross window serverless messaging system based on BroadcastChannel API. Allows to send messages and keep track about instances between browsing contexts (tabs, windows, workers, etc..)
- message
- broadcast
- channel
- BroadcastChannel
- share
- metadata
- tabs
- windows
- browser
- workers
- connect
- connection
- cross
- communicate
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Node.js module to receive live stream chat events like comments and gifts from TikTok LIVE
- tiktok
- tiktok live
- live
- stream
- livestream
- chat
- connector
- api
- webcast
- tracker
- scraper
- websocket
- bot
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Broadcast Calendar Dates Functions
Use the Broadcast Channel API in React easily with hooks or Zustand, and Typescript!
Zustand middleware to easily persist and sync Zustand state between tabs and windows
- web
- api
- broadcast
- channel
- sync-tabs
- sync-windows
- sync
- broadcast-channel
- persist
- localStorage
- hooks
- react
- react 18
- zustand
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MOS compliant TCP/IP Socket connection.
internet radio engine made on NodeJS platform
Broadcast an array to a specified shape.
Create, sign, and broadcast transactions on Hive blockchain
Broadcast an ndarray to a specified shape.
- stdlib
- stdtypes
- types
- base
- ndarray
- broadcast
- broadcasting
- reshape
- multidimensional
- array
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util