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Excludes folders from the Brackets file system to avoid performance problems.
Bracketeer is a simple way to search an replace brackets inside a string.
Creates a list of all storage calls with their signature and parameters
JSCS plugin to enforce space after open curly braces
Yeoman Generator for an Adobe Brackets Extension
Vue component for rendering single elemination tournament brackets
Node.js IDE
- brackets
- adobe
- node
- nodejs
- code
- editor
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- project
- application
- management
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- development
- javascript
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Node.js IDE
- brackets
- adobe
- node
- nodejs
- code
- editor
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- project
- application
- management
- dev
- development
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animated brackets
Brackets extension for pure Node.js Sass linting
Add comments to closing CSS brackets to distinguish what is actually closing. Nested selectors in SCSS can be multiple levels deep which makes it hard to figure out what the parent selector is.
server end for code connect (an extension for brackets)
Lightweight handlebars replacement for Angular
A simple library to manage tournament brackets (round-robin, single elimination, double elimination)
A simple library to display tournament brackets (round-robin, single elimination, double elimination)
An interface to connect brackets-manager with MongoDB.
Wrap your strings in stuff.
Excludes folders from the Brackets file system to avoid performance problems using RegExp.
A simple library to manage tournament brackets (round-robin, single elimination, double elimination)
Use the Tab key to skip any character.