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483 packages found
CLI for getting SwitchBot BLE API encryption key from SwitchBot Cloud
WxChat and Ant Bluetooth (Ble)Package
The SwitchBot plugin allows you to access your SwitchBot device(s) from HomeKit.
- homebridge-plugin
- switchbot
- lights
- fan
- outlet
- hub
- lightstrip
- motion
- contact
- vacuum
- lock
- humidifier
- humidity
- temperature
- View more
jbd battery plugin for SignalK
Control BLE devices from Homebridge.
IoTize Device Communication protocol over web bluetooth
A Typescript RxJS-based library for controlling LEGO Powered UP hubs & peripherals.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Central Plugin
- cordova
- capacitor
- bluetooth
- ble
- bluetoothle
- bluetooth le
- low energy
- smart
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
uni-app BLE蓝牙SDK, 支持微信小程序、支付宝小程序 from wx-ant-ble
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Central Plugin
- cordova
- bluetooth
- ble
- bluetoothle
- bluetooth le
- low energy
- smart
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
Connect to Pixels dice using Web Bluetooth.
Advanced BLE management tool for ZeppOS v3+ watches that features an automated profile generator, a hybrid asynchronous and sequential queue for efficient handling of all operations and more.
A BLE module for react native.
An open, collaborative lookup of radio-identifiable (sniffable) things, represented as structured data. We believe in an open Internet of Things.
Homebridge plugin for Brifit/ORIA thermometers.
A BLE advertising module for react native.
Socket Mobile CaptureSDK for React Native
A Node.js BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) central library.
Porvide local hardware function to Blockzie