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A Babel plugin to inline all functions
Babel plugin to inject some custom import statement.
Babel plugin to reduce package size
Babel runtime support for jsx plus.
Transform lodash syntax to lodash/fp syntax using Babel.
Babel shared config for nextcloud apps
Allows the use of `nameof()` calls in babel projects.
This plugin converts JSX into Tagged Templates that work with strve.
- Hyperscript Tagged Markup
- jsx
- strve
- strve-js
- tagged template
- template literals
- virtual dom
- hyperscript
- babel
- babel plugin
- babel-plugin
reducer auto inject plugin
Babel plugin to remove dependencies of non JS files such as CSS and images
Babel plugin for convert px to vw units of styled-components
remap import 'src' to transpiled/built location plugin for babel.
electron-prebuilt that automatically understands Babel + React + LESS
Redux integration for Firebase. Comes with a Higher Order Components for use with React.
babel plugin for simple jsx to string transformation
A babel plugin which creates validation code from jsdoc comments
Babel plugin to transpile import() to a deferred require(), for node
Babel plugin to replace with the polyfill
To see how to use this plugin, please visit our [documentation](
Babel plugin directory named modules