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Fast & forgiving HTML/XML parser
Detect if running in Electron.
Atom preset for conventional-changelog.
Get metadata on the default editor or a specific editor
Feed is a RSS, Atom and JSON feed generator for Node.js, making content syndication simple and intuitive!
Just a simple logging module for your Electron application
Open files in your editor at a specific line and column
Fast & forgiving HTML/Svelte/XML/RSS parser
RSS feed generator. Add RSS feeds to any project. Supports enclosures and GeoRSS.
Check if code is running in Electron renderer process.
htmlparser2 build that excludes node native modules so that you can use it in platforms like React Native.
Creates an RSS feed for your Gatsby site.
AtomCheckbox is a component that displays an input checkbox w/ its expected behavior
Convenience methods for Electron windows.
Open file in editor
Robust RSS Atom and RDF feed parsing using sax js
> An animated loop used for giving users feedback while the content of a page or section is being loaded.
Wallet address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.
A language server for Svelte
Ledger Hardware Wallet Cosmos Application API