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110 packages found
Transfer Asterisk AMI events to json object string representation
Node.js Isaac connection wrapper
Pastash for Voicenter
This package provide date with specific format using 'ampersand','apostrophe','asterisk','atSign','dot','dollar','hyphen','underScore','exclamation','hash','quotation'and 'forwardSlash'.This package can also provide date format of today,week ago,month ago
- date
- dateformat
- month-ago
- year-ago
- week-ago
- day
- week
- month
- year
- ampersand
- apostrophe
- asterisk
- atSign
- dot
- View more
JavaScript client for Asterisk REST Interface.
Interacting with Asterisk Manager Interface with Node
Asterisk AMI Event Utils for NodeJS (ES2015)
Jovo plugin for Altervoice asterisk integration
Asterisk AMI Events Stream for NodeJS (ES2015)
Advanced manager for connecting to Asterisk
Asterisk Manager Interface configured with s-conf
Asterisk node.js fastAgi Express-like Interface
Dynamic registration of asterisk users using node
Converts stars in package.json file to current versions of modules;
Simple package for validation numbers by asterisk patterns
Asterisk AMI client for TypeScript, also implement async AGI
Asterisk AGI command for sending and receiving meshblu messages.
A fork and modified version of ts-agi which will see if the Asterisk channel is still open, or if the caller dropped the call. This will resolve Auto-Destruct issue on ts-agi.