Search results
41 packages found
Vue related utilities that makes development easier.
Set of function utilities to make bem classes generation easier.
Component for custom tag usage inside components. It's used to replace vue built in `:is` mechanism because it's working in a slightly different way(do not know whether it's a bug or a feature).
Utility component, that handles current route parameters change and url synchronization. Useful, for example, for a page filtering mechanism.
Component for custom tag usage inside components. It's used to replace vue built in `:is` mechanism because it's working in a slightly different way(do not know whether it's a bug or a feature).
Component to handle multiple elements selection with `select all` action. Similar to gmail's multiple email selection behavior with ability to select those that are not on this page and exclude any from that selection.
Set of vue utilities to make blocks styling easier.
Control descriptor component. Special wrapper for control element that adds additional description.
Promise proxiyng mechanics to easily extend promise functionality.
Simple dropzone component for vue. Based on `@aspectus/dropzone` implementation.
Simple functional component for `control-label` element.
Components for permissions usage in vue.
Simple functional component for `control-hint` element.
Dermis grid turned into vue components.
- `VueTrans` - добавляет во `Vue` метод **_**. Во Vue компонентах используем это так: * В `<template lang='pug>` - ```pug +b.ds-caption.H2 {{ _('Form Title') }} ui-input( :placeholder="_('Your name')" ) ``` * В `<script>` -
- `trans` - переводит все, на сегодняшний день, встроенные правила пакета `vee-validate`. И теперь они будут доступны в `rosetta`.
Vue implementation for `@aspectus/selection-controller` mechanism.
Functional component for rendering any scoped slot.
Simple Promise proxy to use `AbortController` to cancel underlying process.
Component for handling state of user's interaction with some control element.