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147 packages found
A utility module for Node & Browser that calculates aspect ratio and decimal fraction based on width and height and alongside provides normalized aspect.
To get aspect-ratio of 'screen size or image'
Web component to resize child element to proportional height based on the width similar to fitvids
A Tailwind CSS plugin to preserve the aspect ratio on images
Observe selectors in DOM
- dom aspects
- aspect
- aop
- aspect oriented programming
- pointcut
- join point
- advice
- observable
- live collection
- HTMLCollection
- animationevent
- insertionQuery
- selector-observer
- selector-set
- View more
Embed iframes responsively
Invoke a function after a function.
Aspect transformer for panto
Decorators to unlock aspect-oriented programming experience in JavaScript
A library for reactive state management using observables.
Find out What's Going On with your objects
make function filterable
A simple utility function, and command line utility, for calculating an aspect ratio based on width and height.
tiny object composition utils useful as a mixin system, or shoes
Parse dimensions
Decorator-driven, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) for Node.js
A tool that will resize a DOM element to fit its parent container while maintaining the original aspect ratio.
A package for aspect-oriented development of Vue components.
AngularJS component for a fixed aspect ratio container for an image
Wrap a function to call a function before its callback is called