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112 packages found
ExtJS Modern Toolkit 6.5.1 bridge Angular 2+
A toolkit that helps with the setup and generation of schematics in projects.
Here is the Meetyou presents implementation, product development and service in the enterprise the background
ExtAngular for Ext JS 6.5.3 Modern Toolkit
ExtAngular for Ext JS 6.5.3 Classic Toolkit
Nest JS Toolkit with some Helpers. For Example Permission Management For REST API, Angular Form Validator, Angular REST Api Client etc.
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- MongooseRESTAPIAutoGenerator
- Permission
- Management
- Angular
- Form
- Generator
- AngularServiceGenerator
An Angular toolkit basead on Angular Material and Bootstrap
A toolkit that helps with the setup and generation of schematics in projects.
AngularJS Directive Component of the UI-Toolkit's Accordion for Mutual of Omaha's DXD Team
Angular Universal PWA boilerplate for serverless environment.
- schematics
- angular
- serverless
- server side rendering
- pwa
- progressive web app
- lambda
- amazon web services
- google cloud functions
RxJS toolkit for Angular development and testing
UI widgets built on top of D3, Pixi.js and ag-grid-community
This proyect was created by a yeoman generator:
Angular Universal PWA boilerplate for serverless environment.
- schematics
- angular
- serverless
- server side rendering
- pwa
- progressive web app
- lambda
- amazon web services
- google cloud functions
Text ui-component for Angular, provided by ngx-kit
Checkbox ui-component for Angular, provided by ngx-kit
Breadcrumbs ui-component for Angular, provided by ngx-kit
File ui-component for Angular, provided by ngx-kit