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Social login and authentication module for Angular 18. Supports authentication with Google, Facebook, Amazon, and VK. Can be extended to other providers also.
- angular
- angular18
- angular-social-login
- social-authentication
- social-login
- google-authentication
- facebook-authentication
- amazon-authentication
Angular components for Google Maps
Google Auth plugin for capacitor.
Auth0 SDK for Angular Single Page Applications (SPA)
- auth0
- login
- Authorization Code Grant Flow
- Single Page Application authentication
- SPA authentication
- angular
A simple ng-9 wrapper to load Google Analytics dependency by angular way
This module is a wrapper for Google Places Autocomplete js library.
Google Charts module for Angular 2 and beyond
Google Analytics plugin for Angulartics
An angular directive wrapper for Ladda.
Vendor-agnostic web analytics for Angular2 applications
- angular
- angular2
- ng2
- ngx
- analytics
- tracking
- google analytics
- google tag manager
- gtag
- woopra
- splunk
- matomo
- inspectlet
- hubspot
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Angular component for Google Pay button
A convenient JavaScript snippet, which lets you create beautiful buttons, where people can add events to their calendars.
- react
- javascript
- css
- microsoft
- apple
- angular
- widget
- generator
- component
- vue
- calendar
- event
- vanilla-js
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Autocomplete input component and directive for google-maps built with angular and material design
Angular component for Google reCAPTCHA
Google Sign-in with Google Identity Service
- signin
- google-signin
- oauth
- oauth2
- login
- google-login
- gsi
- identity
- service
- services
- vue
- vuejs
- react
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This module is a wrapper for Google Places Autocomplete JS library
- autocomplete
- typescript
- google places
- angular 16
- angular 15
- angular 14
- angular google autocomplete
- angular google place autocomplete
- google place autocomplete
- angular
Cool social login buttons for angular
Angular Google Maps (AGM) package for Snazzy Info Window support
Google Chart Tools AngularJS Directive Module
directive for agm (not official)