Search results
45 packages found
Angular 2+ notifications center
- angular
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular 5
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular 8
- angular 9
- Angular2
- Angular4
- Angular5
- Angular6
- Angular7
- Angular8
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Angular 2+ notifications center
[![Build Status](]( >Build an Angular library compatible with AoT compilation & Tree shaking like an official package.
Angular 2+ notifications center
Angular directives to validate and format NZ-specific input types
Easy to use & customize - **Angular Notificatios**. You can find this Angular library on this [GitHub]( repository.
- angular
- ether
- ziobrowsky
- ether-notification
- ng
- library
- notification
- popup
- message
- confirmation
- status
- flash
- notify
- toast
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AngularJS + Bootstrap tooltip + confirmation support
Angular UI Components, Simple Library
Bootstrap confirm provider for Angular 11+
Angular Bootstrap UI library for firebase authentication powered by @ng-bootstrap
- ng
- angular
- library
- bootstrap
- ng-bootstrap
- firebase
- firebase authentication
- sign in
- sign up
- register
- forgot password
- email confirmation
- sign with google facebook twitter githbub
[![Build Status](]( [![NPM Version](](
Angular + PrimeNG confirmation dialog.
Angular directive for simple href or ng-click confirmation before proceeding
Checks if one input matches another
When deleting something, we usually want to show some confirmation to make sure the user actually wants to delete and didn't misclick. Because this is common behaviour, and shouldn't change drastically from different use cases, we've created the **goten-n
Reactive Angular modal dialogs. Create alert, confirmation, progress and form based dialogs without writing component templates.
Angular 2+ notifications center
Angular powered Bootstrap
This is confirmation modal for confirm the activity.
Dialog component for Angular projects to show modal dialogs
- dialog
- dialog component
- angular
- modal
- modal dialog
- modal dialog component
- angular modal dialog
- angular modal dialog component
- confirmation dialog
- confirmation modal dialog
- info dialog