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Use the Windows.UI.Popups UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.Popups
- Windows
- UI
- Popups
- MessageDialog
- IUICommand
- UICommand
- UICommandSeparator
- PopupMenu
- MessageDialogOptions
- Placement
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.System.Preview UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.System.Preview
- Windows
- System
- Preview
- TwoPanelHingedDevicePosturePreview
- TwoPanelHingedDevicePosturePreviewReading
- TwoPanelHingedDevicePosturePreviewReadingChangedEventArgs
- HingeState
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Devices.I2c UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Devices.I2c
- Windows
- Devices
- I2c
- I2cConnectionSettings
- I2cController
- I2cDevice
- II2cDeviceStatics
- I2cBusSpeed
- I2cSharingMode
- I2cTransferStatus
- I2cTransferResult
- NodeRT
- WinRT
Use the Windows.System.Diagnostics UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.System.Diagnostics
- Windows
- System
- Diagnostics
- ProcessDiagnosticInfo
- ProcessDiskUsage
- ProcessMemoryUsage
- ProcessCpuUsage
- ProcessMemoryUsageReport
- ProcessDiskUsageReport
- ProcessCpuUsageReport
- SystemMemoryUsage
- SystemCpuUsage
- SystemDiagnosticInfo
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Use the Windows.Web.AtomPub UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Web.AtomPub
- Windows
- Web
- AtomPub
- ResourceCollection
- Workspace
- ServiceDocument
- AtomPubClient
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Devices.Pwm.Provider UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Devices.Pwm.Provider
- Windows
- Devices
- Pwm
- Provider
- IPwmControllerProvider
- IPwmProvider
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Management.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
Use the Windows.Storage.Search UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Storage.Search
- Windows
- Storage
- Search
- ContentIndexer
- IIndexableContent
- ValueAndLanguage
- ContentIndexerQuery
- IndexableContent
- QueryOptions
- IStorageQueryResultBase
- IStorageFolderQueryOperations
- StorageFileQueryResult
- StorageFolderQueryResult
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Use the Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity
- Windows
- Security
- Authentication
- Identity
- EnterpriseKeyCredentialRegistrationInfo
- EnterpriseKeyCredentialRegistrationManager
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.Casting UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Casting
- Windows
- Media
- Casting
- CastingSource
- CastingConnectionErrorOccurredEventArgs
- CastingDevice
- CastingConnection
- CastingDeviceSelectedEventArgs
- CastingDevicePickerFilter
- CastingDevicePicker
- CastingPlaybackTypes
- CastingConnectionErrorStatus
- CastingConnectionState
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Use the Windows.Web.Http.Headers UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Web.Http.Headers
- Windows
- Web
- Http
- Headers
- HttpContentHeaderCollection
- HttpRequestHeaderCollection
- HttpResponseHeaderCollection
- HttpContentDispositionHeaderValue
- HttpContentCodingHeaderValueCollection
- HttpLanguageHeaderValueCollection
- HttpContentRangeHeaderValue
- HttpMediaTypeHeaderValue
- HttpMediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValueCollection
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Use the Windows.Storage.Streams UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Storage.Streams
- Windows
- Storage
- Streams
- DataReaderLoadOperation
- IDataReader
- DataReader
- DataWriterStoreOperation
- IDataWriter
- DataWriter
- Buffer
- IBuffer
- IContentTypeProvider
- IInputStream
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Use the Windows.Globalization.PhoneNumberFormatting UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Globalization.PhoneNumberFormatting
- Windows
- Globalization
- PhoneNumberFormatting
- PhoneNumberInfo
- PhoneNumberFormatter
- PhoneNumberFormat
- PredictedPhoneNumberKind
- PhoneNumberParseResult
- PhoneNumberMatchResult
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintSupport UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintSupport
- Windows
- Graphics
- Printing
- PrintSupport
- PrintSupportExtensionSession
- PrintSupportExtensionTriggerDetails
- PrintSupportPrintDeviceCapabilitiesChangedEventArgs
- PrintSupportPrintTicketValidationRequestedEventArgs
- PrintSupportSessionInfo
- PrintSupportSettingsActivatedEventArgs
- PrintSupportSettingsUISession
- SettingsLaunchKind
- WorkflowPrintTicketValidationStatus
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Use the Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Advertisement UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Advertisement
- Windows
- Devices
- Bluetooth
- Advertisement
- BluetoothLEManufacturerData
- BluetoothLEAdvertisementDataSection
- BluetoothLEAdvertisement
- BluetoothLEAdvertisementBytePattern
- BluetoothLEAdvertisementFilter
- BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStoppedEventArgs
- BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher
- BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs
- BluetoothLEAdvertisementDataTypes
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Use the Windows.System.Display UWP API directly from Node.js
Use the Windows.Graphics.DirectX UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Graphics.DirectX
- Windows
- Graphics
- DirectX
- DirectXAlphaMode
- DirectXColorSpace
- DirectXPixelFormat
- DirectXPrimitiveTopology
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics
- Windows
- UI
- Core
- AnimationMetrics
- AnimationDescription
- IPropertyAnimation
- OpacityAnimation
- PropertyAnimation
- ScaleAnimation
- TranslationAnimation
- AnimationEffect
- AnimationEffectTarget
- PropertyAnimationType
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Use the Windows.AI.MachineLearning UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.AI.MachineLearning
- Windows
- AI
- MachineLearning
- ILearningModelFeatureDescriptor
- ILearningModelFeatureValue
- ILearningModelOperatorProvider
- ITensor
- ImageFeatureDescriptor
- ImageFeatureValue
- LearningModel
- LearningModelBinding
- LearningModelDevice
- LearningModelEvaluationResult
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Preview.Holographic UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Preview.Holographic
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Preview
- Holographic
- HolographicApplicationPreview
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft