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VanJS. A minimalist React-like UI library based on vanilla JavaScript and DOM.
- Van
- Vanilla
- UI
- UI Framework
- React
- Reactive
- DOM Manipulation
- Zero-Dependency
- lightweight
- Ultra-lightweight
- Minimalist
Simple money mask developed with pure JavaScript. To run on Client Side and Server Side
- Currency
- Money
- Mask
- Dinheiro
- Moeda
- Mascara
- Javascript
- Hybrid-Mask
- Node-Mask
- Vanilla
- vanilla-mask
- react-mask
- ng-mask
- v-mask
Awesome TypeScript and Vanilla JavaScript
Helper JavaScript for manipulate DOM and the events
Awesome TypeScript and Vanilla JavaScript for the Web
A lightweight javascript router
Improve JavaScript with useful prototype extensions & helper methods.
I18NSwitch is a vanilla JavaScript based component to make internationalization using two languages easier on web pages.
Improve JavaScript with useful prototype extensions & helper methods.
Only 0.78kB 用原生 JavaScript 在视窗或元素指定位置发通知和提示。Element and Global Notifications / Toasts with Pure / Vanilla / Native JavaScript.
The official vanilla javascript api for Neptune CSS
A minimalist template engine for DOM generation and manipulation, working for both client-side and server-side rendering
- Template
- Rendering
- Server-side Rendering
- DOM Generation
- DOM Manipulation
- Van
- Vanilla
- Zero-Dependency
- Ultra-lightweight
- Minimalist
shadow-dom-element is a declarative custom element/web component to render local and remote template
The SDK for Volare Protocol
light-dom-element web component to render local and remote template
ApiChain and CssChain JS. Collection API inherits the Array and element API.
A Web Component for easily embedding a livestream to any website
Unofficial SDK for the Kentico Cloud Delivery API
Web component fetch-element for ajax and render JSON/XML data as table and slotted-element without shadow DOM
This Yeoman generator helps you scaffold your next web application with Vanilla JavaScript and Webpack.