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319 packages found
A Svelte progress bar that hooks to SvelteKit navigation.
Svelte component library for creating fully functional and accessible web applications quickly
A simple Svelte component to handle pagination
This package provides convenience functionalities to make usage of NDK with Svelte nicer.
Tipex stands as an advanced rich text editor tailored for Svelte, meticulously engineered with the robust frameworks [Tiptap]( and [Prosemirror]( It empowers developers to effortlessly craft rich text editors,
QR-Code generated using [node-qrcode]( and display via `<img>` or `<canvas>` element, with TypeScript support and exported as ESM, works on SvelteKit. <br> Visit [this page](
A plugin for MDSvex that highlights code blocks using shiki-twoslash
`microform` is a tiny library for managing forms in `svelte/sveltekit`.
- microform
- microform-svelte
- @steveesamson/microform
- svelte
- sveltejs
- svelte-form
- svelte-microform
- form
- sveltekit
- svelte-kit
- sveltekit-microform
Use this CLI app to setup a new Skeleton application in a new SvelteKit project.
`svesta` - is a tiny `sve`lte `sta`te management library for `svelte/sveltekit`.
- svesta
- svelte-state
- svestate
- svelte
- svelte5
- svelte5 runes
- sveltejs
- sveltekit
- svelte-kit
- sveltekit-svesta
- svelte-svesta
Use this CLI app to setup a new Ionic application in a new SvelteKit project.
Use this CLI app to setup a new Capacitor application in a new SvelteKit project.
Code highlight with SvelteUI theme
This package provides core tools for testing your adder for different environments and options. Currently we execute tests against 5 project templates:
Storybook for SvelteKit
Advanced Lazy-Loading and Compression with Svelte/SvelteKit and Hygraph
<p align="center"> <img src="" height="50" /> </p>
Free lightweight library for svelte/kit projects! (~75.3 kB)
Calendars, date and time pickers based on SvelteUI components