Search results
203 packages found
get the metadata of the active windows application
Compose multiple services into one
Elegant console output, borrowed from Yarn
- ansi
- cli
- color
- colors
- colour
- formatting
- log
- shell
- terminal
- activity
- command-line
- command
- console.log
- console
- View more
weapp-navigate 小程序及其框架的路由方法封装
Wrap a Node.js spawn() or exec() with before/after handlers
Powerful and flexible programmatic interface for the `git clone` command, using [gitclone-defaults][] and [cross-spawn][]
Returns the program/package name and version as a string with optional format customization.
Handle --help and --version arguments in your CLI application
A platform agnostic tool to quickly add affiliate links onto your website
- affiliate
- amazon
- affiliation
- advertising
- referral
- marketing
- associate
- ads
- advertisement
- program
- querystring
- tag
- ecommerce
Staking SDK
generates a basic shader with vertex attributes
Wechat Mini Program State Tool
Check if a program is available on the system.
shader utils for WebGL / kami
Handle command line arguments and sub arguments and sub sub arguments and sub sub sub arguments, etc.
Auto-generate program usage info when using the protogram module
tree program in JavaScript