Search results
44 packages found
Opinionated JavaScript linter
- javascript
- ecmascript
- ecmascriptnext
- esnext
- ecmascript5
- es5
- ecmascript6
- es6
- ecmascript7
- es7
- react
- jsx
- lint
- linter
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A professional, comprehensive and high-performance library for you to manipulate matrices.
- Math
- Mathematics
- Complex Number
- Matrix
- Vector
- Algebra
- Linear Algebra
- Linear Equations
- Eigenvalues
- Condition Number
- Norm
- Inverse
- Determinant
- Decomposition
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normalizes a 2D path to its bounding box
opposite of lerp; get normalized range between two bounds
Computes the Manhattan (city block) distance between two arrays.
- compute
- computation
- mathematics
- math
- taxicab
- geometry
- manhattan
- distance
- dist
- norm
- l1norm
- points
- space
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Computes the Euclidean distance between two arrays.
Computes the Chebyshev distance between two arrays.
- compute
- computation
- mathematics
- math
- distance
- dist
- chebyshev
- array
- vector
- lpnorm
- maximum metric
- linf metric
- norm
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Computes the infinity norm (Chebyshev/supremum norm) of an array of values.
- compute
- computation
- mathematics
- math
- linear algebra
- norm
- supremum norm
- chebyshev norm
- maximum norm
Computes the L1 norm (Manhattan norm) of an array of values.
Computes the L2 norm (Euclidean norm).
- compute-io
- compute
- computation
- math
- mathematics
- blas
- level 1
- linear
- algebra
- subroutines
- vector
- array
- l2norm
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Computes the sum of absolute values (L1 norm).
- compute-io
- compute
- computation
- math
- mathematics
- blas
- level 1
- linear
- algebra
- subroutines
- abs
- absolute
- value
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Computes the Lp norm of an array of values.
- compute
- computation
- mathematics
- math
- linear algebra
- norm
- euclidean norm
- l2norm
- taxicab norm
- manhattan norm
- l1norm
- supremum norm
- chebyshev norm
Computes the Minkowski distance between two arrays.
- compute
- computation
- distance
- similarity
- information theory
- mathematics
- math
- array
- dist
- difference
- minkowski
- metric
- vector
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The hypot function in GLSL
A general purpose, generic, boring package
Efficient WebAssembly-based vector math engine for JavaScript/TypeScript
- AI
- artificial
- artificial intelligence
- AssemblyScript
- cosine
- distance
- dot product
- embedding
- engine
- Euclidean
- infinity
- inner product
- intelligence
- linear algebra
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Computes the Frobenius norm of a matrix in glsl
A JS module for calculating several distances between two (n-dimensional) points