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The SDK for ProcessCube Apps
hooks kits
An implementation of n-progress for use with the Next.js 13 app router.
A starter professional React using Nextjs
- Next
- Nextjs
- Next js
- React
- React DOM v17
- Type Checker
- TypeScript
- Storybook
- Lint
- ESlint
- Eslint-config-next
- Mocking
- Mock Service Worker
- CSS-in-JS Modules
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Nextjs component for a loading effect between pages using nprogress and react-spinners.
Create static webpage to view process documentation
A light callable lib to keep your API alive
Probably the easiest progress bar/skeleton for Next.js
Create Your Own Techstack with basic boilerplate code.
Orgasmo is a set of components and tools for developers that enhances Nextjs to help you effortless build even more outstanding web apps
Efficiently search through arrays using a Trie-based implementation for fast and optimized lookups.
- Search
- Optimize
- Trie
- Filters
- Search-Engine
- Fast-Search
- React
- Nextjs
- High-Performance
- Trie-Based
- Frontend
- Auto-Complete
- Auto-Filter
- Recommendation
Creates the empty scaffolding for a nextjs+orgasmo site.
The Monnify Web SDK is now available as a Node.js package, offering an easy and efficient way to integrate payment gateway solutions into your web applications
Develop for Developer By Developer
React-archetype is a cli tool (or a generator) that will generate apps based on the rendering pattern (CSR,SSR, SSG, ISR etc) of your choice.
- react
- React18
- next
- Nextjs
- next13
- Vite
- webpack
- Webpack5
- module federation
- Client-side rendering
- Server-side rendering
- NX
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Starter kit Strapi + Next
Helpers for Next.js to use with Shaple Auth
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About In Next.js projects, the official recommendation is to use the Next.js Link component for navigation. However, integrating Arco Design's Link component within Next.js can be cumbersome. This component resolves this issue, offering full compatibility
- kwooshung
- react
- Nextjs
- nextjs
- ArcoDesign
- Arco Design
- arco design
- react link
- nextjs arcodesign link
- NextJs ArcoDesign Link