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152 packages found
Bootstrap components for Svelte
- svelte
- components
- sveltestrap
- bootstrap
- javascript
- accordian
- alerts
- badges
- breadcrumbs
- buttons
- cards
- dropdowns
- forms
- icons
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Modal citizen of React Native
Modal citizen of React Native
theui-svelte A component library by TheUI. Out-of-the-box accessible and easy to customize built with TailwindCSS.
- svelte-components
- svelte
- sveltekit
- components
- tailwindcss
- theui
- mbparvez
- ui
- accordion
- alert
- badges
- breadcrumbs
- buttons
- buttons-groups
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Useful to show lottie animation spinners in react-native mobile apps
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-loader
- lottie-react-native
- react-native-progress
- lottie
- modals
- loaders
- animations
- ios
- android
- spinners
This is an IOS/Android/Web wrapper file for Contextual that allows the use of Contextual in React Native Environment
- react
- slider
- infoslider
- introslider
- Whatfix
- feedback
- goal
- goals
- analytics
- segment
- segments
- reactnative
- react-native
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The perfect Bootstrap companion
Made with create-react-library
theui-svelte A component library by TheUI. Out-of-the-box accessible and easy to customize built with TailwindCSS.
- svelte-components
- svelte
- sveltekit
- components
- tailwindcss
- theui
- mbparvez
- ui
- accordion
- alert
- badges
- breadcrumbs
- buttons
- buttons-groups
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Dialogue - tiny wrapper over the <dialog />. Native, no overhead scripts, just dialog
Discord-Modals is a package that allows your discord.js v13 and v14 bot to create, and interact with Modals, a new Discord feature.
- discord.js
- modals
- interaction modals
- modal interactions
- forms
- modal form
- discord-forms
- discord-modals
- discord
- discord.js-modals
- discord.js-forms
A context-based utility for managing complex modals
Context and hooks for using modal windows in React.
theui-svelte A component library by TheUI. Out-of-the-box accessible and easy to customize built with TailwindCSS.
- svelte-components
- svelte
- sveltekit
- components
- tailwindcss
- theui
- mbparvez
- ui
- accordion
- alert
- badges
- breadcrumbs
- buttons
- buttons-groups
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ModalService is a versatile TypeScript library designed to manage modal windows efficiently in web applications. With a robust set of types and functions, it offers seamless integration for creating, updating, deleting, and handling modal windows. Utilize
Add modals to your React app via the context API
Inspired on nativescript-fancyalert by Nathan Walker - A simple, basic implementation of the beautiful alerts that lib brings to the table
React modals library
A stack utility for managing open dialogs
Package that helps to dynamically manage modals using recoil and lazy loading