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449 packages found
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Use the Windows.Media.Capture.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Capture.Core
- Windows
- Media
- Capture
- Core
- VariablePhotoCapturedEventArgs
- VariablePhotoSequenceCapture
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.Editing UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Editing
- Windows
- Media
- Editing
- BackgroundAudioTrack
- EmbeddedAudioTrack
- MediaClip
- MediaComposition
- MediaOverlay
- MediaOverlayLayer
- MediaTrimmingPreference
- VideoFramePrecision
- NodeRT
- WinRT
Use the Windows.Media.Render UWP API directly from Node.js
Use the Windows.Media.Devices.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Devices.Core
- Windows
- Media
- Devices
- Core
- CameraIntrinsics
- DepthCorrelatedCoordinateMapper
- FrameControlCapabilities
- FrameController
- FrameExposureCapabilities
- FrameExposureCompensationCapabilities
- FrameExposureCompensationControl
- FrameExposureControl
- FrameFlashCapabilities
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Use the Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning
- Windows
- Media
- ClosedCaptioning
- ClosedCaptionProperties
- ClosedCaptionColor
- ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect
- ClosedCaptionOpacity
- ClosedCaptionSize
- ClosedCaptionStyle
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.Import UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Import
- Windows
- Media
- Import
- PhotoImportDeleteImportedItemsFromSourceResult
- PhotoImportFindItemsResult
- PhotoImportImportItemsResult
- PhotoImportItem
- PhotoImportItemImportedEventArgs
- PhotoImportManager
- PhotoImportOperation
- PhotoImportSelectionChangedEventArgs
- PhotoImportSession
- PhotoImportSidecar
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A base class for Butter Cache Providers
Use the Windows.Media.Capture UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Capture
- Windows
- Media
- Capture
- CameraCaptureUIPhotoCaptureSettings
- CameraCaptureUIVideoCaptureSettings
- CameraCaptureUI
- CameraOptionsUI
- MediaCaptureFailedEventArgs
- MediaCapture
- MediaCaptureInitializationSettings
- MediaCaptureSettings
- LowLagMediaRecording
- LowLagPhotoCapture
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Use the Windows.Media.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Core
- Windows
- Media
- Core
- AudioStreamDescriptor
- AudioTrack
- AudioTrackOpenFailedEventArgs
- AudioTrackSupportInfo
- ChapterCue
- CodecInfo
- CodecQuery
- CodecSubtypes
- DataCue
- FaceDetectedEventArgs
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Use the Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis
- Windows
- Media
- FaceAnalysis
- DetectedFace
- FaceDetector
- FaceTracker
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Phone.Media.Devices UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Phone.Media.Devices
- Windows
- Phone
- Media
- Devices
- AudioRoutingManager
- AudioRoutingEndpoint
- AvailableAudioRoutingEndpoints
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.MediaProperties UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.MediaProperties
- Windows
- Media
- MediaProperties
- AudioEncodingProperties
- ContainerEncodingProperties
- H264ProfileIds
- IMediaEncodingProperties
- ImageEncodingProperties
- MediaEncodingProfile
- MediaEncodingSubtypes
- MediaPropertySet
- MediaRatio
- Mpeg2ProfileIds
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Use the Windows.Media.Devices UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Devices
- Windows
- Media
- Devices
- DialRequestedEventArgs
- RedialRequestedEventArgs
- KeypadPressedEventArgs
- CallControl
- IDefaultAudioDeviceChangedEventArgs
- DefaultAudioCaptureDeviceChangedEventArgs
- DefaultAudioRenderDeviceChangedEventArgs
- MediaDevice
- AudioDeviceController
- VideoDeviceController
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Use the Windows.Media.AppBroadcasting UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.AppBroadcasting
- Windows
- Media
- AppBroadcasting
- AppBroadcastingMonitor
- AppBroadcastingStatus
- AppBroadcastingStatusDetails
- AppBroadcastingUI
- AppBroadcastingContract
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis
- Windows
- Media
- SpeechSynthesis
- SpeechSynthesisStream
- SpeechSynthesizer
- SpeechSynthesizerOptions
- VoiceInformation
- SpeechAppendedSilence
- SpeechPunctuationSilence
- VoiceGender
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.Render WinRT API directly from Node.js
Use the Windows.Media.Ocr UWP API directly from Node.js
Plugin Para Reproduccion de Video
Use the Windows.Media.Protection UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Protection
- Windows
- Media
- Protection
- ComponentLoadFailedEventArgs
- ComponentRenewal
- HdcpSession
- IMediaProtectionServiceRequest
- MediaProtectionManager
- MediaProtectionPMPServer
- MediaProtectionServiceCompletion
- ProtectionCapabilities
- RevocationAndRenewalInformation
- RevocationAndRenewalItem
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Use the Windows.Media.Core.Preview UWP API directly from Node.js