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446 packages found
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Use the Windows.Media.Devices UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Devices
- Windows
- Media
- Devices
- DialRequestedEventArgs
- RedialRequestedEventArgs
- KeypadPressedEventArgs
- CallControl
- IDefaultAudioDeviceChangedEventArgs
- DefaultAudioCaptureDeviceChangedEventArgs
- DefaultAudioRenderDeviceChangedEventArgs
- MediaDevice
- AudioDeviceController
- VideoDeviceController
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Use the Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive
- Windows
- Media
- Streaming
- Adaptive
- AdaptiveMediaSource
- AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationResult
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedEventArgs
- AdaptiveMediaSourcePlaybackBitrateChangedEventArgs
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadRequestedEventArgs
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadCompletedEventArgs
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadFailedEventArgs
- AdaptiveMediaSourceAdvancedSettings
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadResult
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Use the Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive
- Windows
- Media
- Streaming
- Adaptive
- AdaptiveMediaSource
- AdaptiveMediaSourceAdvancedSettings
- AdaptiveMediaSourceCorrelatedTimes
- AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationResult
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticAvailableEventArgs
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnostics
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedEventArgs
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadCompletedEventArgs
- AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadFailedEventArgs
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Use the Windows.Media.Playlists UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Playlists
- Windows
- Media
- Playlists
- Playlist
- PlaylistFormat
- PlaylistsContract
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.Import UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Import
- Windows
- Media
- Import
- PhotoImportDeleteImportedItemsFromSourceResult
- PhotoImportFindItemsResult
- PhotoImportImportItemsResult
- PhotoImportItem
- PhotoImportItemImportedEventArgs
- PhotoImportManager
- PhotoImportOperation
- PhotoImportSelectionChangedEventArgs
- PhotoImportSession
- PhotoImportSidecar
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Use the Windows.Media.Protection UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Protection
- Windows
- Media
- Protection
- ComponentLoadFailedEventArgs
- ComponentRenewal
- HdcpSession
- IMediaProtectionServiceRequest
- MediaProtectionManager
- MediaProtectionPMPServer
- MediaProtectionServiceCompletion
- ProtectionCapabilities
- RevocationAndRenewalInformation
- RevocationAndRenewalItem
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Use the Windows.Media.DialProtocol UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.DialProtocol
- Windows
- Media
- DialProtocol
- DialAppStateDetails
- DialApp
- DialDevice
- DialDeviceSelectedEventArgs
- DialDisconnectButtonClickedEventArgs
- DialDevicePickerFilter
- DialDevicePicker
- DialReceiverApp
- DialAppState
- DialAppLaunchResult
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Use the Windows.Media.Editing UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Editing
- Windows
- Media
- Editing
- BackgroundAudioTrack
- EmbeddedAudioTrack
- MediaClip
- MediaComposition
- MediaOverlay
- MediaOverlayLayer
- MediaTrimmingPreference
- VideoFramePrecision
- NodeRT
- WinRT
Use the Windows.Media.Transcoding UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Transcoding
- Windows
- Media
- Transcoding
- PrepareTranscodeResult
- MediaTranscoder
- MediaVideoProcessingAlgorithm
- TranscodeFailureReason
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.Devices.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Devices.Core
- Windows
- Media
- Devices
- Core
- VariablePhotoSequenceController
- FrameExposureCapabilities
- FrameExposureCompensationCapabilities
- FrameIsoSpeedCapabilities
- FrameFocusCapabilities
- FrameFlashCapabilities
- FrameControlCapabilities
- FrameExposureControl
- FrameExposureCompensationControl
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Use the Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis
- Windows
- Media
- SpeechSynthesis
- VoiceInformation
- SpeechSynthesisStream
- SpeechSynthesizer
- VoiceGender
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.Render UWP API directly from Node.js
Use the Windows.Media.PlayTo UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.PlayTo
- Windows
- Media
- PlayTo
- CurrentTimeChangeRequestedEventArgs
- MuteChangeRequestedEventArgs
- PlayToConnection
- PlayToConnectionErrorEventArgs
- PlayToConnectionStateChangedEventArgs
- PlayToConnectionTransferredEventArgs
- PlayToManager
- PlayToReceiver
- PlayToSource
- PlayToSourceDeferral
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Use the Windows.Media.Render UWP API directly from Node.js
Use the Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis
- Windows
- Media
- SpeechSynthesis
- SpeechSynthesisStream
- SpeechSynthesizer
- SpeechSynthesizerOptions
- VoiceInformation
- SpeechAppendedSilence
- SpeechPunctuationSilence
- VoiceGender
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Javascript functions for interacting with Media Shuttle API
Use the Windows.Media.Editing UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Editing
- Windows
- Media
- Editing
- BackgroundAudioTrack
- EmbeddedAudioTrack
- MediaClip
- MediaComposition
- MediaOverlay
- MediaOverlayLayer
- MediaTrimmingPreference
- VideoFramePrecision
- NodeRT
- WinRT
Use the Windows.Media.Protection UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Protection
- Windows
- Media
- Protection
- MediaProtectionManager
- ServiceRequestedEventArgs
- ComponentLoadFailedEventArgs
- MediaProtectionServiceCompletion
- RevocationAndRenewalInformation
- RevocationAndRenewalItem
- MediaProtectionPMPServer
- IMediaProtectionServiceRequest
- ProtectionCapabilities
- HdcpSession
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Use the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Media3D UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Media3D
- Windows
- UI
- Xaml
- Media
- Media3D
- Transform3D
- CompositeTransform3D
- PerspectiveTransform3D
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis
- Windows
- Media
- SpeechSynthesis
- SpeechSynthesisStream
- SpeechSynthesizer
- SpeechSynthesizerOptions
- VoiceInformation
- SpeechAppendedSilence
- SpeechPunctuationSilence
- VoiceGender
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft