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Another JSON Schema Validator
JSON schema validator
Another JSON Schema Validator
JSON Safe Parser & Schema Validator
- schema
- validator
- validation
- JSON Schema
- draft-04
- draft-06
- draft-07
- draft 2019-09
- draft 2020-12
- jsonschema
- json-schema
- json-schema-validator
- json-schema-validation
Internationalised error messages for Ajv JSON validator
JSON-Schema validator built for speed
$merge and $patch keywords for Ajv JSON-Schema validator to extend schemas
- schema
- validator
- validation
- jsonschema
- json-schema
- json-schema-validator
- json-schema-validation
- $merge
- $patch
- keyword
Customizable and hackable json-validator and json-schema utilities for traversal, data generation and validation
- schema
- customize
- library
- tools
- utilities
- validator
- validation
- jsonschema
- json-schema
- json-schema-validator
- json-schema-validation
- make my day
Another JSON Schema Validator: browser bundles
A command line JSON Schema validator that supports many file formats. Fork of jessedc/ajv-cli.
- schema
- validator
- validation
- jsonschema
- json-schema
- json-schema-validator
- json-schema-validation
- cson
- hjson
- ini
- json5
- toml
- xml
A JSON Schema validator with support for custom keywords, vocabularies, and dialects
- JSON Schema
- json-schema
- jsonschema
- Schema
- 2020-12
- 2019-09
- draft-07
- draft-06
- draft-04
- vocabulary
- vocabularies
JSON Schema validator
A command-line JSON, YAML and TOML validator that's on your wavelength
Configure async validation mode in Ajv - JSON-Schema validator
- schema
- validator
- validation
- jsonschema
- json-schema
- json-schema-validator
- json-schema-validation
- async
- asynchronous
- asynchronous validation
- ajv
- generators
- async-function
- View more
Customizable and hackable json-validator and json-schema utilities for traversal, data generation and validation
- schema
- customize
- library
- tools
- utilities
- validator
- validation
- jsonschema
- json-schema
- json-schema-validator
- json-schema-validation
- make my day
ESM fork of z-schema. JSON schema validator
JSON string validator
This is a simple and fast JSON schema validator
Another JSON Schema Validator: forked at jeymisson/ajv
JSON Schema Filter/Validator
- schema
- filter
- filtering
- validator
- validation
- jsonschema
- json-schema
- json-schema-filter
- json-schema-filtering
- json-schema-validator
- json-schema-validation