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provides locking mechanism to sync across browser tabs
A collection of cross-browser utilities to go along with JSZip.
Karma runner plugin for detecting all browsers installed on the current system.
- karma-plugin
- karma-launcher
- browser
- browsers
- Safari
- Safari Tech Preview
- SafariTechPreview
- IE
- Edge
- Chrome
- Chrome Canary
- Chrome Headless
- Chromium
- Firefox
ReactJS SDK that provides login functionality with SuperTokens.
frontend sdk for website to be used for auth solution.
SuperTokens SDK for vanilla JS for all recipes
An accessible polyfill for `[input type='time']` elements modeled after the Chrome & Firefox desktop implementations.
Determine cross-browser if an event or anchor element should be handled locally.
Split CSS files suitable for IE
A console panel in webpage to help 3 use-cases: show console message automatically ; debug mobile ; debug IE/Edge
Generates and consumes source maps. Adapted to be commonjs only and work in older browsers.
A module to detect the IE browser version, returns false for non IE browsers
- detect IE
- browser version
- test for IE
- broswer-version
- IEversion
- IE version
- detectie
- browser
- IE
- Edge
- Internet Explorer
createHTMLDocument polyfill for IE up to 11
A Vuejs snackbar component, supported SSR, compatible with IE
A polyfill to make Cross Browser Support much easier!
- browser
- polyfill
- js
- javascript
- cross-browser
- cross-browser-compatibility
- Internet Explorer
- IE
- ES6
- Babel
- Transpile
- append ie
- closest ie
- getBoundingClientRect
- View more
A react component that makes input type=range compatible across all browsers
jQuery plugin for showing any DOM element on a page in fullscreen mode
A minimal polyfill for Node.after
bpui common libs
A minimal polyfill for Node.remove