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Node module to publish release notes based on commits between the last two tags.
Github Jobs API module
Returns the public members of the user supplied organistation listed on Github.
Login with open platforms list Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github & ...
- OAuthClient
- Redisfire
- Github
- SocialLogin
- Disqus
- Naver
- Kakao
- Dropbox
- Tumblr
- Flickr
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AbstractMechanics is a framework developed by Andrew Chamber's small group of side projects called Katana Development. Its meant to have a small small footprint, be easy to use, yet powerfull when developing complex websites, and web-applications.
- NodeJS
- Framework
- Abstract-Mechanics
- AM
- AbbyMech
- JavaScript
- npm
- Github
- Server
- Application-Development
- Development.
Easily lint each commit for your PRs against the Conventional Commit spec based on configurable Linter rules.
- Github
- Actions
- Github Actions
- Workflow
- Github Workflow
- Conventional Commit
- Commit Messages
- Lint
- Check
- Enforce
- Code Quality
A fork of git+
CLI para vagos
A Node.js CLI for optimizing and generating configuration files for Serverless projects
- Serverless
- AWS Lambda
- Optimization
- Configuration file
- esbuild
- Lambda functions
- Package
- Build
- Open-source
- JavaScript
- Github
- Development
- Deployment
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Create GitHub card for your GitHub Account
Quick and easy github file retrieval
Clone a GH Organization and push all repos to your own org
Github Repository Tool
Scan a Github organization for usage of a package
A command line tool to speed up GitHub cloning.
A library with utilities to get the GitHub user contribution summary by username.
Npm Package for
Create a release from a tag and uses issues or commits to creating the release notes. It also can generate a file based on the release notes (or generate a brand new).
Github OAuth2 simplifies user authentication and profile management for Github-integrated applications.
Github action to automatically sync labels in the given repo based on a rule set.
- Github
- Actions
- Github Actions
- Workflow
- Github Workflow
- Labels
- Github Labels
- Issues
- Github Issues
- Check
- Enforce
- Build