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93 packages found
Multiple Duplex Streams across a single Duplex Stream.
DMX webservice and web ui powered by node-dmx
bridge to connect the fivetwelve library running in the browser to a server handling dmx-interfaces
A free library of DMX enabled devices
An artnet implementation for io.js
A node module that tracks progress through songs using midi signals
Library for sending and receiving sACN (E1.31) lighting data
Node.js CITP Implementation
Near-realtime ArtNet control over Signify/Philips Hue lights using the new Hue Entertainment API
[thing-it-node] Device Plugin for Art-Net Universes.
[thing-it-node] Device Plugin for OSRAM e:cue Sympholight setups.
Node-RED node that controls lights via artnet
Node-RED node that controls lights via artnet with memory
NodeJS implementation of the Open Sound to Light protocol
Node.js library for the FX5 USB DMX Interface
A DMX sender using Artnet for NodeRed
Node-RED node that controls lights via artnet with memory
Node-RED node that compose input for Artnet node to control Prolights lamps
Receives OSC-Packages (e.g. from TouchOSC) and translates them to ArtNet-DMX, e.g. for Light-Software remote control