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283 packages found
React with react router, and purgable tailwindcss.
Basic template for CRA
Plugin sass additional data
A react-helmet for Create React Server
ESLint React configuration for JS projects based on airbnb and Prettier configs
- javascript
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- eslint-config
- airbnb-config
- prettier-config
- react
- hooks
- react-hooks
- create-react-app
- cra
- devmary
This is Create React App (CRA) template for ESRI Map JS API v4
CRA Template for application with redux and saga
Cloak create-react-app files with symlink.
Create a minimal & standard React app (with TS + emotion)
Create React app using cra-template-rear
npm cli utility to assist serving create-react-app projects out of a docker container
An environment generator to publish React packages to npm
Template for Create React App supporting TypeScript and SCSS files. Included with Redux, Saga, Axios, Prettier, Stylelint and ESlint config recommended by Airbnb and Husky with pre-commit hook.
Installer for the FBT API within CRA and TypeScript environments.
Transpile Create-React-App imports in Lerna projects.
CRA template for web apps
Adds a better boilerplate to the default CRA template
This is a simple CRA template for Snow Dev style
Transpile Create-React-App imports in Lerna projects.