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124 packages found
Communicates with devices over I2C bus.
- I2C
- Adafruit STEMMA Soil Sensor
- ADS1015
- ADS1115
- BH1750
- BME280
- GY-US42
- HMC5883L
- INA219
- MCP23008
- MCP23017
- MCP4725
- PCF8574
- PCA9685
- View more
A node.js client for
A bootloader server for BeagleBone hardware to boot it into mass storage mode
Reactive stream for the LSM303 I2C 3D compass and accelerometer module
PCA9685 I2C 16-channel PWM/servo driver module
Abstraction for the MAX7219 display driver controller
Node for BME280/BMP280 sensors for SBCs gpios
Transforms BeagleBone to mass storage device
A Node.js I2C module for the BME280 Humidity, Barometric Pressure, and Temperature Sensor. Also includes support for the BMP280 Barometric Pressure and Temperature Sensor.
Cylon adaptor for the Beaglebone Black single-board computer
LED control on Linux boards
Physical computing library for embedded Linux
A node.js client for
Physical computing library for embedded Linux and BeagleBone
Beaglebone stub for testing
Nintendo RC Receiver component class plugin for Johnny-Five
A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things
Access the Programmable Reatime Units (PRUs) of the BeagleBone
A Node.js I2C module for the Silicon Labs Si7021 Temperature and Humidity and Sensor
Physical computing library for embedded Linux and BeagleBone