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519 packages found
Middleware to enable AdonisJS to launch graphql-playground
Archetype for AdonisJs projects. Used internally
Selectel cloudStorage driver for Adonis drive
Nunjucks templating ViewProvider provider for AdonisJs
Production-ready Node.js GraphQL server for AdonisJS
An Ace command that starts a listener on file change compiling them into ES5 code using rollup with babel as well booting up a livereload server that updates the browser when changes occurred.
ESlint rules for AdonisJs applications and addons
Nexmo provider for AdonisJs
Bite-size nuggets of inspiration for your next big startup idea.
Queue provider for the Adonis framework
Adonisjs boilerplate for API server with pre-configured JWT
Production-ready Node.js GraphQL server for AdonisJS
A Gemini driver for AdonisJS Ally.
Yet another Bull queue provider
ServiceProvider for registering an AdonisJs Application with Netflix Eureka
Firebase SDK for AdonisJS
A simple cache mechanism for AdonisJs
Node.js package for interacting with Google Cloud Storage in an Adonis.js application
Prometheus wrapper for Adonis 5