Search results
232 packages found
A JavaScript friendly, useful set of statically typed observable classes including Timer. Part of the TypeScript.NET-Core libraries.
A JavaScript friendly, useful set of statically typed threading/task/timeout utilities. Part of the TypeScript.NET-Core libraries.
Node.js binding for .NET Framework API
System Core TypeScript Library
Translates Microsoft .NET JSON formatted dates to JS Date Objects
Detect disconnected nuget references in Visual Studio *.csproj files.
Generates TypeScript model from .NET assemblies
Basic events/dispatching library. Part of the TypeScript.NET-Core libraries.
Online survey software for angular and .net core
A JavaScript friendly, statically typed, A+ Promise library with added features. Part of the TypeScript.NET-Core libraries.
A JavaScript friendly, useful set of statically typed abstractions including Uri. Part of the TypeScript.NET-Core libraries.
A JavaScript library for loading PE (Portable Executable) file as a plain structural object.
Node module to handle synchronous creation of junctions in Windows.
OmniSharp integration, supports C# and VisualBasic.
Handles encryption and decryption of stuff.
Grunt plugin for bumping NuGet references in project files and configs
It's a library for projecting node libraries as well as third party libraries in naming convension and structure more convenient to .net and java background developers.