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dates for humans
General natural language (tokenizing, stemming (English, Russian, Spanish), part-of-speech tagging, sentiment analysis, classification, inflection, phonetics, tfidf, WordNet, jaro-winkler, Levenshtein distance, Dice's Coefficient) facilities for node.
- natural language processing
- artifical intelligence
- statistics
- Porter stemmer
- Lancaster stemmer
- tokenizer
- bigram
- trigram
- quadgram
- ngram
- stemmer
- bayes
- classifier
- phonetic
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Developer friendly Natural Language Processing ✨
- natural language processing
- tokenize
- sentence boundary detection
- negation handling
- sentiment analysis
- POS Tagging
- named entity extraction
- custom entity detection
- word vectors
- visualization
- pattern matching
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novel-segment segment data
- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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Straightforward fuzzy matching, information retrieval and NLP building blocks for JavaScript.
- bloom filter
- canberra
- caverphone
- chebyshev
- cologne
- cosine
- clustering
- daitch-mokotoff
- dice
- fingerprint
- fuzzy
- hamming
- k-means
- jaccard
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Library for NLU (Natural Language Understanding) done in Node.js
- natural language processing
- artifical intelligence
- natural language understanding
- natural language generation
- sentiment analysis
- classifier
- logistic regression
- Natural
- entity extraction
- named entity recognition
- chatbot
International address parsing/normalization at C speed
Count the number of OpenAI tokens in a string. Supports all OpenAI Text models (text-davinci-003, gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4)
- openai
- gpt
- gpt3
- openai tokens
- tokens
- gpt3 tokens
- gpt3 token counter
- openai token counter
- token gpt3
- gpt4
- gpt4 tokens
- gpt4 token counter
- openai gpt4
- gpt-3.5-turbo
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Provides natural language understanding/processing to enable easy implementation of chat bots and voice services. High performance run time in only 2 lines of code - 'require' to include it, and the call to process the text. These can run anywhere Node.js
- nlu
- natural language understanding
- nlp
- natural language processing
- domain
- domains
- sentiment
- sentiment analysis
- google assistant
- google home
- alexa
- vui
- cortana
- recognizer
Chinese word segmentation 簡繁中文分词模块 以網路小說為樣本
- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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原版 node-segment 的格式
- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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JavaScript client for Speechly Streaming API
- client
- voice
- speech
- slu
- spoken language understanding
- speechly
- asr
- nlp
- natural language processing
- nlu
- natural language understanding
- natural language
- vui
- voice ui
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- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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- PanGuSegment
- PoS tagging
- analyzer
- async
- chinese
- chinese segmentation
- data
- dict
- dictionary
- file
- hanzi
- jieba
- load
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